Elise Moss


Elise Moss has worked for the past thirty years as a mechanical designer in Silicon Valley, primarily creating sheet metal designs. She has written articles for Autodesk’s Toplines magazine, engineering.com, engineersrule.com AUGI’s PaperSpace, DigitalCAD.com and Tenlinks.com. She has taught CAD classes at Laney College, DeAnza College, Silicon Valley College, and for Autodesk resellers. Autodesk has named her as a Faculty of Distinction for the curriculum she has developed for Autodesk products and she is a Certified Autodesk Instructor.

She holds a baccalaureate degree in Mechanical Engineering from San Jose State.

She is married with two sons. Her older son, Benjamin, is an electrical engineer. Her younger son, Daniel, works with AutoCAD Architecture in the construction industry. Her husband, Ari, has a distinguished career in software development.

Elise is a third generation engineer. Her father, Robert Moss, was a metallurgical engineer in the aerospace industry. Her grandfather, Solomon Kupperman, was a civil engineer for the City of Chicago.

More information about the author and her work can be found on her website at www.mossdesigns.com.