Book Errata

Autodesk Revit 2022 Architecture Fundamentals

Out of Print
Published July 14, 2021
738 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-63057-436-9


Chapter 2 Page 30

Practice 2b, Task 4 - step number 1 should read:

  1. Pan and zoom to the lower right side of the model. Two columns (one architectural and one structural) have been added to the project.
Chapter 5 Page 23

Practice 5b, Task 3 - steps 1, 6, and 7 have been updated to be clearer.

  1. Select one of the bathroom closet doors.
  2. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  3. Select the bathroom closet doors and change the type to the new door size.
Chapter 12 Page 41

Practice 12c, Task 2 - step eight has been modified and two additional steps, nine and ten, have been added to accommodate the balcony offset, as follows:

  1. Start the Railing command again. In the Type Selector, select Railing: Hotel Exterior Balcony Guardrail
  2. In Properties, set the Base Offset to (negative) -4"
  3. In the Options Bar, set the Offset to 3" and select the inside of the balcony floor edge to add railings to the balcony, as shown in the sketch in Figure 12-63. Just draw railings on one balcony.