Book Errata

Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2022

Published June 16, 2021
690 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-63057-439-0


Chapter 1 Page 41

Autodesk has replaced Autodesk 360 (A360) with Autodesk Drive. The functionality covered in the book is similar in Autodesk Drive. Following the links provided in the book will provide you with a link to the new site. Alternatively, use this link to access Autodesk Drive:

Chapter 6 Page 4

The second paragraph should read:

The two walls just drawn will be supported by the roof, which has not been drawn yet. The bottom of the walls is aligned with Level 2 because of the view you are in.

Chapter 7 Page 42

Revit content is no longer installed with Revit. Change the listed path "(C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2022\Libraries\US Imperial\Doors)" to "(download content using Insert\Load Revit Family command, and search for family listed).

Chapter 10 Page 10

Last paragraph should specify 12'-3" as the dimension which will center the windows on the wall, as shown in figure 10-2.2.

Chapter 11 Page 3

Step 8, paragraph 3 Should state, "You may also notice a big problem, as first mentioned on page 6-33…".